You Going Where? Mudik..

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri

Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin

Semoga Alloh menerima semua amal ibadah kita. Amin.

Arief & Keluarga

How To Download Images and Ringtones From WAP with Nokia 3105

I digged just now to find my post regarding how to download ringtones and images from WAP Site with Nokia 3105 (a CDMA Phone). I didn’t have a data cable that time, so I tried to upload the images and ringtones on my website and then accessed them from phone’s wap browser directly. But the result is the ringtones are played and the images are showed rather than dowloaded to the phone.

I asked the Nokia Priority Care and they said much better if I went to the city mall to buy ringtones and images from upload service booth 😦

I am not easily gave up, so I went to Google and worked with Nokia Mobile Internet Toolkit and Nokia Content Publishing Toolkit. I found some solutions for this download problem.

Easy Ways:

  1. Buy a Nokia Data Cable (DKU-5) or other compatible cable like MA
  2. Download from the operator wap site or buy from their affiliation

Hard Way:
To do this, you need to have a webspace on the Internet and you are able to add .htaccess file. Then follow this step by step instruction:

  1. Edit or add .htaccess file on your web directory with this line:

    AddType application/vnd.oma.dd+xml dd
  2. Create DD file (DD: Download Descriptor) using notepad or other text editor and add the following code:

    <media xmlns=””&gt; <objectURI></objectURI&gt; <size>Your File Size In Byte (ie: 2400)</size>
    <type>Your Data Type (ie:image/gif) </type> <type>application/vnd.oma.drm.message</type> <name>file_name_for_phone.gif</name>
    <vendor>Vendor Name (ie: Up To You Vendor)</vendor>
    <description>File Description</description> <nextURL>http://url-after-successful-download</nextURL&gt;

  3. Save the file with .dd extention
  4. Upload to your webspace (don’t forget to upload the image file too)
  5. Finish
  6. Open your WAP Browser on your 3105 and than access the url for the DD file. For example, if you name your DD file as britney.dd and store it in the main directory of your web, you need to enter:
  7. Follow the on screen installation procedure and save to any folder on your Nokia 3105.
  8. Have Fun

The instruction above is a hard way for you to add a content to your Nokia 3105, so I think a data cable can make your life easier. But, in the other hand, the sample above can make you think that you can start your own content provider business.

Note: With a little PHP programming, you can create a dynamic WAP download site and dynamically create DD files on the fly. I made a PHP version for this, I will post it here soon.