Little Peanut Picture: First Step to The Future

First step to the future. Yes, as shown on the right picture, you can see Little Peanut’s leg. Sometime I can feel the baby kicking when I touch my wife’s belly.

Baby weight is 480 gram. On her 23 weeks pregnancy, we could know baby’s sex. Since the baby keep on moving, the doctor could not see this. So we have to wait until the baby grows and has limited movements.

First Step to The Future

We love you Little Peanut. We will see you again next month.

Always have a great day inside. We are here for you..

Situs Alumni Jurusan Fisika FMIPA Universitas Sebelas Maret

Saya sedang menyusun database alumni jurusan Fisika FMIPA Universitas Sebelas Maret dan membutuhkan informasi dari rekan-rekan alumni semua.

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Jogja Furniture Show: The Result

Since I could not write a blog post in my last day at the Jogja Furniture Show, I write this resume after back to the office.

The 3rd day:

I made no sale. Yes, the visitor was decreasing and only few visit my booth. Some of them were asking about price and material but none drop order, only left business cards and asked for product catalogue. Marketing department should emails them for orders follow up.

The 4th day:

Packing. Last day in Jogja. My duty is only for he first tree day. The “real” marketing staff came from Jakarta that morning. I only went to the exhibition to transfer buyer informations to her. I gave her the log-book and explained some information and prices. After Mr. Rizwar (a nice guy from production who had been work with me from the first day) arrived at the booth, both me and my wife went back to the hotel.

On the way to the hotel, we go to “Gudheg Bu Citro” to buy gift for both family at Klaten and Solo. We had a dinner the night before and the taste is good. We ordered two packs and would back to take the order two hours after.

I took a taxi from Solo because it is cheaper than using taxi from Jogja to Solo. Waiting for only 1.5 hours, the taxi came and we checked out from the hotel and came by to “Gudheg Bu Citro” to take our orders. In the journey to Solo, we stopped to buy “Bakpia” and “Kue Moci”.

Reaching Klaten, I asked the driver to go to my parent’s house to give them the gift (Gudhed, Bakpia and Kue Moci). We did not stay long there because the taxi was waiting and I had to go to the office first to give sales money to finance department.

Finnaly.. home sweet home.. We arrived at the house at 14.30..

That’s all for the Jogja Furniture Show Result..

And now..

I am back to my job again..

As an IT Support and continue my software..

Great… 😀

Jogja Furniture Show: Second Day

Second day.

I should receive a payment for 1 pcs Coffee Table that is €250 1 pcs Coffee Table, 1 pcs Dinning Table and 4 Dinning Chairs, that is USD 940.

Ups.. I have it just now.

It’s must be my lucky day..


Jogja Furniture Show: On The Spot

I arrived at Jogja this morning, and now I am writing this post from the booth.

Some buyers are only screening for products and may be back again on next day. It is a usual thing on the first day. Hope next day will bring more buyers to our booth. Looking around, I am amazed with many unique ideas by other exhibitors. How they display their products and arrange their booth.

I have my wife beside me, so she can help me answering buyers questions while I am busy with others.

Again, if you are in Jogja come on. .

Visit our booth number A-18 at Jogja Expo Center.

Jogja Furniture Show

Jogja Furniture Shows

Finally I have to go to exhibit company’s products at Jogja Furniture Show, October 13-17, 2006. Since all marketing staffs are positioned for Resource Indonesia – also known as PPE (Pekan Produk Ekspor) – at Jakarta Expo Kemayoran, I have to represent them at Jogja until Jakarta show ends.

As my agreement with the company, I will take my wife to help me at the booth and all acommodation are paid by them. Actually I left marketing job since 6 months ago due to I prefer to work on IT, but the company asked me to left IT for a while and go to Jogja for an exhibition.

First time offer was I should go to Jogja and back again to Solo everyday, the company provides me a driver, but I think it will not cost effective and time consuming of course. I will be easily tired for the 2×1.5 hours trip. So the win win solution is I take my wife to Jogja to help me exhibit and stay in Jogja until “the real marketing” comes from Jakarta.

If you are in Jogja and want to see my company’s products, you may visit booth A-18 (PT. Indonesia Antique) at Jogja Expo Center. I will display furnitures made from Railway Sleepers (Bantalan Rel Kereta Api).

Have you ever imagine what it’s looks like?

Visit us there..


I am twenty six years old now…


  • Job : good, challenging, well paid
  • Wife : beautiful, great and wonderful, colours my life
  • Child : still inside my wife’s belly 🙂
  • Own house : under development, will move before next year
  • Own company: under negotiation with a client
  • Have I mention my wife? 😀

Alhamdulillah. Thank you Alloh for blessing me with this worderful life.

May You keep me kneel and always thanks for Your gifts..


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Love Daddy Picture

Love Daddy Pic